When it comes to aligning your teeth, it can be quite challenging to choose between braces and Invisalign. Both have advantages and disadvantages, but you should make your decision only after consulting with your orthodontist. 

Which is Better Braces or Invisalign? 

The type of orthodontic treatment useful for your situation is linked to the orthodontic issue you have. That is why an orthodontist might not recommend Invisalign for some patients. Read on to discover all the information you need to decide which is better for you: braces or Invisalign.

What are Metal Braces?

Metal braces represent the most frequently used device in orthodontic treatments. It is preferred for complex problems, such as tooth rotation, teeth overcrowding, or significant gaps. Braces represent a system with brackets of metal, which are glued to the enamel on the front of each tooth. Usually, the entire process of straightening teeth with braces is done between 18 to 24 months, as it requires small adjustments regularly. 

What is Invisalign?

A rather new approach to teeth straightening is the usage of Invisalign. It is a transparent BPA-free plastic aligner created to fit unnoticeably into your mouth. Invisalign is recommended for minor to moderate orthodontic problems, such as crossbites, underbites, or overbites. 

This system takes an impression of your teeth and establishes a tailored aligner tray. You need to wear the aligner for up to 22 hours daily for two weeks. Afterward, you switch to a new tray, and you continue to do so between 18 to 24 months. The overall duration of this orthodontic treatment depends on the severity of your problem.

 What are the Advantages of Braces?

  • Perfect for all orthodontic treatments
  • Possibility of receiving an ideal result
  • Several types of braces from which you choose
  • Faster results

What are the Disadvantages of Braces?

  • Lack of aesthetic appearance;
  • Difficulty in brushing and flossing your teeth;
  • Regular dentist appointments required.

What are the Advantages of Invisalign?

  • The retainers look great, as they are almost invisible
  • The aligners can be removed while eating
  • Simple to brush and floss
  • Fewer dentist appointments required
  • Comfortable to wear, and no discomfort experienced

What are the Disadvantages of Invisalign?

  • You need to study how to handle the aligners;
  • It might be a little inconvenient to have to remove all the time the aligners;
  • It can be a bit costly when compared to traditional braces.

Invisalign vs. Braces – Which One is Better?

Overall, there is no standard answer to this question. Both orthodontic treatments are efficient, and their usage depends primary on the medical conditions that you aim to treat. Still, you need to ask your dentist’s advice prior to deciding which treatment you need. Both can offer outstanding results, but each is designed to address specific orthodontic issues.