Food is awesome and essential to living. However, it contributes to cavities too! Cavities are often ignored and the second most common health problem in the country, with over 2 million cases per year. Cavities are damaged areas in your mouth, this happens as a result of plaque. If you don’t floss, brush your teeth to remove plaque, then it creates holes in your enamel.

Cavity Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore

You may not experience pain when a cavity develops, but you can experience the following cavity symptoms:

  1. Toothache

If you have a toothache and you don’t really know the reason behind it, then you should definitely consult your dentist. Toothaches are mostly caused by tooth decay, which could be a cavity. Once a cavity drills through your enamel, it keeps going down into the inner layers, which is called dentin. As the cavity gets to your inner layers, it reaches the pulp of your teeth, which is more likely to become inflamed, causing enormous pain.

  1. Sensitivity

When cavity makes it way to the dentin of your teeth, hollow canals allow acidic, hot, or cold food to simulate the cells in your teeth. This might mean your cavity is getting more advanced.

  1. Stained Teeth

Your teeth can get stained due to your daily coffee habits. But if you notice a discolored tooth with a slightly different hue from the rest of your teeth, it can be a sign of tooth decay.

  1. Sharp Pain

Have you had a feeling of a sharp jolt of pain when you bit down anything, if yes, then this is a potential sign that there is inflammation in your tooth’s pulp. It can also be a sign that your pulp has died and is pressing down on the root underneath it. There is always a chance that this kind of pain could be a sign of a cracked tooth.

  1. Infection

When cavities become severe, it gets easier for oral bacteria to cause an infection in the tooth. Dental infection signs also include pus near your gums or bad breath. Since infections can spread, it’s really important to see your dentist as soon as possible as the infection can put your health to serious risks.

  1. Bleeding when brushing

Cavities can result in bleeding when you brush, due to the damaged gums and nerves. Bleeding which is recurrent can be a sign of a deep cavity.

About Confederation Dental

Confederation Dental is a dental clinic located in Mississauga. Our team is committed to providing you the best dental care whether it is a complete examination and cleaning, a full-mouth restoration, or anything in between.