Blog/Dental Articles

Mouth-Healthy Foods and Drinks

To prevent cavities and maintain good oral health, your diet — what you eat and how often you eat — are important factors. Changes in your mouth start the minute you eat certain foods. […]

6 Tips For Whiter Teeth

Your 32 teeth not only help you to talk and chew, they can make or break your appearance. Read on to find out what you
can do to keep your pearly whites sparkling.  […]

Why Your Dentist Recommends A Night Guard

At Dentistry On Elgin a major complaint from our patients is aching jaws and headaches. The answer is a night guard. The most common cause for these...

Nutrition & Your Oral Health

We have all heard the expression you are what you eat and we know that maintaining a healthy well-balanced diet helps protect your body against Heart Disease, Cancer and Diabetes to name a few.

Can You Die From A Tooth Infection?

The answer is YES! YOU CAN. The fact that tooth decay or infection around the tooth may sound absurd, there is evidence that suggest...


There is such a large selection of toothbrushes available in the market, be it manual or electric, how do you choose one?

Bad Breath

I think one of the most frequent questions asked in our Cambridge Dental office is how do I fight bad breath? Everyone suffers from this occasionally.

Dr. Jauhal’s Dental Blog Articles

At Dentistry On Elgin we offer same day emergency appointments. The first thing you would do in a dental emergency is CONTACT YOUR DENTIST.